Throughout this process I had numerous difficulties in getting a client that would be willing to distribute the podcasts. The initial idea was to try and offer each episode to different and relevant charities for them to promote, however it became clear that not many of them were interested in the project and didn’t want to be involved, but one was willing to link the podcast to their Facebook page which wasn’t really enough. Following on from the lack of enthusiasm from charities I went down the route of contacting relevant hospital radio stations, seeing that there is a relevance with disability being discussed. Both Nottingham and Peterborough hospital radio stations didn’t reply to numerous emails about them airing the episodes. This meant that time was running out in getting a client, meaning that I had a chat with Ryan Jones from Siren Radio who was willing to air the episodes. Despite Siren being based on campus I did try elsewhere and was keen to distribute it via charities as they podcast’s not radio programmes.
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